Cellulite Cupping
Cellulite Cupping

What is cellulite cupping?
Cellulite cupping is the application of silicone cups to areas of your cellulite to help improve your skin’s appearance and remove toxins from your body.
Cellulite is identified as those “dimples” on your skin that occur as a result of stagnation in your body.
Cellulite indicates the presence of micro-adhesions in your superficial fascia.
These adhesions create pockets where the fat can then stick and accumulate to form cellulite.
• How is cellulite cupping done?
Your skilled practitioner will apply cups to targeted areas with cellulite.
The practitioner will then move the cups in sweeping and circular motions designed specifically to reduce your cellulite.
• What is the aim of cellulite cupping?
The aim of cellulite cupping is to use the negative pressure from the cups to promote drainage of accumulated fluids, toxins, and other chemical compounds from underlying tissues.
This increases circulation to the area and reduces the appearance of your cellulite while also restoring the health of the underlying tissues.
While cellulite cupping will help treat your cellulite, it’s also important to remember that cellulite can be a result of the following:
o Poor diet
o Lack of optimal hydration
o Sedentary lifestyle
• Benefits of cellulite cupping
o Improves skin appearance
o Improves blood circulation
o Eliminates toxins and harmful chemical compounds
o Releases micro-adhesions to prevent fat tissue from sticking in an area
• Conditions it can help with
o Puffy Face
o Cellulite
o Scar tissue
o Lipedema
o Lymphedema
o Acute edema (especially post operatively)
o Acne & Spots
o Improve Skin Tone and Complexion
o Wrinkles
o Laugh Lines
o Eye Bags
o Chin Contour
• How often can I have the treatment:
NEW ISSUE - ONE session every 2-3 DAYS
Maintenance - ONE session every 3-4 WEEKS
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