Dynamic Cupping
Dynamic Cupping

What is dynamic cupping?
Dynamic cupping technology combines traditional therapy with advanced technologies. To some extent, dynamic cupping is similar to flash cupping. The difference is that the latter removes the cups and therefore interrupts the cupping to release the local area, whereas the former decreases the suction degree to a certain extent without completely interrupt the suction process. Unlike continuous cupping, the intermittent suction and release not only hurts you less but also has a more significant effect on stimulating the subcutaneous nerves, thereby speed up the process of relaxing muscles tightness and reducing pain and soreness.
• How is Dynamic cupping done?
• Dynamic Cupping Technology - the device works through the process of rhythmic alternation of suction and release, blood circulation would speed up and the recovery process would become faster.
• Red Light Therapy - The red light is a good aid in pain, inflammation, bringing faster results in healing skin and muscle tissue as well as creating more relaxation.
• Effective Myofascial Release - The innovative combination of different treatments enables effective trigger point or myofascial release while enhancing circulation, mobility and flexibility in just a few minutes.
• Benefits of dynamic cupping
o Increases blood circulation
o Eliminates muscular tension
o Total body relaxation
o Alleviates pain and soreness
o Eliminates tissue adhesions
• Conditions it can help with:
o General Detox and Wellness
o Injury Prevention
o Immune System Boost
o Muscular Pain
o Scar Tissue Healing
o Nerve Related Pain
o Skin Health
o Arthritis
o Migraine & Headaches
o Respiratory Conditions
o Digestive Issues
o PCOS & Fertility
o Autoimmune Conditions & MUCH MORE…..
• How often can I have the treatment:
Acute injury - ONE session every WEEK
Chronic injury - ONE session every WEEK
General Medical issue - ONE session every WEEK
Maintenance - ONE session every MONTH
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