Lymphatic Cupping
Lymphatic Cupping

What is lymphatic cupping massage?
Lymphatic cupping massage is where the suction of the cups are applied in a specific directional manner that assists your natural lymphatic system to encourage circulation of your lymph fluid.
• How is lymphatic cupping massage done?
Your skilled provider will apply and move the suctioned cups in a specific directional method along your lymphatic pathways to help encourage your body’s natural drainage process.
• What is the aim of lymphatic cupping massage?
The aim of lymphatic cupping massage is to aid in opening valves in your lymphatic system to encourage draining of lymph fluids and eliminate waste products from your body. Lymph fluid can build up in your lymph system secondary to a wide array of medical conditions.
Lymphatic massage is a safe and effective way to help treat excessive accumulation of lymph fluid in your body.
This form of cupping is particularly helpful for individuals experiencing any of the following:
o Swollen ankles
o Cellulite
o Scar tissue
o Lipedema
o Lymphedema
o Acute edema (especially post operatively)
o Arthritis
o Fibromyalgia
• Benefits of lymphatic cupping massage
o Improves lymphatic drainage
o Eliminates harmful toxins in the body
o Reduces swelling
o Alleviates pain
o Improves cardiovascular function
o Improves immune system function
• How many treatments are necessary?
The number of required appointments and duration of care varies depending on the cause. Lymphatic drainage normally requires a course of appointments. You may need to attend once per week or multiple times throughout the week.
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